maanantai 17. huhtikuuta 2017

Why decoration is growing

Writer / Kirjoittaja: Terence Raghunath, HP

Have you noticed lately, that everywhere you look in restaurants, hotels and even schools or hospitals, there seems to be a custom printed design on the wall, on the floor, or in the window sill? Custom printed design is more popular than ever. If you have felt the urge of redecorating a space with something a little more adventurous than just a coat of paint, you know why printed décor is growing.

The most important factors that make us all budding designers are globalization and the internet. When a design becomes trendy nowadays, it spreads so fast that it becomes a global phenomenon in just a few days or weeks. Finding a great design is easier than ever thanks to applications like Pinterest , Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. Whether you are looking for a pair of running shoes or a brand new wall paper design, all you have to do is to type it into the search field in Pinterest, and prepare to be amazed.

Just like the e-book has revolutionized the publishing business, digital printing is doing the same to industrially printed applications. Now, you can put designs on almost any surface imaginable: walls, bedding, floors, and windows, without having to worry about minimum production quantities. Printing technology has never been better, cheaper and easier to use.  The variety of media on which to print is also getting broader, which means that a great design can be brought to life by matching it to the right media. Wallpaper printed on a non-woven media will give the print a warmer cozier look and feel than if you chose glossy vinyl or paper.

When decorating interiors, it is important to try to avoid emissions, harmful VOCs and nasty solvent odors. 

With the arrival of HP Latex inks some ten years ago, you now also have the peace of mind of printing and installing safely in public areas without having to worry about harmful VOCs.

If you own a printing business, and you have been thinking about providing a custom décor print service, you have undoubtedly asked yourself the $64,000 question: How do I go about targeting this business opportunity?

First, make a slight adjustment: Printing signage is very different from printing (interior) design. Signage is something you MUST print. Interior design is something that you WANT to print. Think about a new kind of customer: Interior decorators, architects and surface designers.

Spend some time doing research. Explore ways of meeting (interior) designers and showing them what you can do.  Very often, they are now aware of all the possibilities that digital print can offer. You will be surprised about the interesting projects that lie behind the projects of interior decorators and architects.

Remember to document, document, and document on social media. Post pictures of your most recent installations on Pinterest, Instagram, and spend some time opening an account on

If you want to find out more, please come to the Seri Deco Decoration open house on 4th to 5th of May in Jusslansuora 10 +15, Tuusula. We would be delighted to talk to you there.

Blogikirjoittaja / Blog Writer

Terence Raghunath
HP Business Development Director Printed Interior Decoration

Tervetuloa Sisustuspäiville 4.-5.5.2017

Tervetuloa inspiroitumaan suurkuva-alan johtavan tukkurin järjestämille ammattilaispäiville ja perehtymään yksilöllisen tilauudistamisen tuotantomahdollisuuksiin. Tapahtumapäivillä esitellään mm. viimeisimmät kuvapinnan tuotantotekniikat ja työkalut sekä monipuolisesti materiaaleja ikkunoihin/seiniin/kattoon/lattiaan/kalusteisiin ja tilajakajiin.

Tule ihmeessä kuuntelemaan myös inspiroivia ja hyödyllisiä luentoja.

Perjantai-iltapäivästä päiville saapuu myös ryhmä sisustussuunnittelijoita, joiden kanssa pääset samalla myös verkostoitumaan.

 Sisustuspäivät Seri-Decolla